Some photos I took from the demonstration in Haifa this evening against the Prawer Plan.
Demonstration against the Prawer Plan - photos by khulud khamis
Needless to say, the police came prepared and they got violent.
Facebook pages against the Prawer Plan:
Prawer won't Pass Campaign - International Page
More useful links: article on the US Palestinian Community Network website
Adalah website: Demolition and Eviction of Bedouin Citizens of Israel in the Naqab (Negev) - The Prawer Plan
Discriminatory Prawer Plan to evict tens of thousands of Bedouins from their communities in the Negev - article on the website of the European Coordination of Committees and Associations for Palestine.
Prawer Plan: Facts and Figures - From the Prawer Won't Pass Campaign Blog
Video: Unrecognized Bedouin Villages in the Negev
This is just a sample of the plethora of information on the web.