(c) painting by khulud kh, 1993
Rain – i pray you into my bones
into my mind
to create
from the sound of you
rain – don't let me
become cracked dry
like the brown earth of a Tammuz
sun-crunched day
you have come so close
touched my bare
bones with your rain
now they are
you have reached those geographies of me –
that naked – Madness
when you come – I become
in you
without you
you are that which soaks the dryness – all the cracks
when many run away
it is I who come to you
for life
for breath
for the wetness in you
and for –
that quality in you
the smell of the earth
when you’re gone – is the memory of you
waiting for a night
when you will come – my lover
to listen to your splashing on the asphalt
to smell your brown earth-soaked wet
and to create in your life
thank you rain – for
that sense of ALIVEness
only you – my lover
(c) khulud kh, 2012